- Dr. Carla Eisemberg
- Research Fellow
- Charles Darwin University
Areas of Interest/Projects
Ecology, Wildlife Conservation and Mangement
Current Project with PBN – The Piku project
Contributing to Education and Awareness of PNG Biodiversity, Capacity building of Papua New Guineans and Research.
Contributing to Education and Awareness of PNG Biodiversity, Capacity building of Papua New Guineans and Research.

- Matthew Young
- PhD Student
- University of Canberra Funding support: Mohammed Bin Zayed Species Conservation Trust
Areas of Interest/Projects
Tissue sample collection of freshwater turtles, especially pig-nosed turtle, Carettochelys insculpta for genetic research. Study will inform conservation management of this species in PNG and aid law enforcement to prevent illegal wildlife trafficking of this species from New Guinea.
Current Project with PBN – Piku Genetics

- Michael Grant
- PhD Candidate
- James Cook University
Areas of Interest/Projects
Assessing the status of sawfish, sharks and rays along the Gulf of Papua and in the Kikori Delta, contributing to information about the status of sawfishes in Papua New Guinea.

- Dr William White
- Senior Curator, National Fish Collection
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
Areas of Interest/Projects
Assessing the status of sawfish, sharks and rays along the Gulf of Papua and in the Kikori Delta, contributing to information about the status of sawfishes in Papua New Guinea.

- Dr Isabel Beasley
- James Cook University Australia
Areas of Interest/Projects
The Papua New Guinea Dolphin Project began in 2011 to understand the conservation status of inshore dolphins in the Kikori Delta, Gulf Province, Papua New Guinea (PIDU Project). In addition to continued research in the Kikori Delta, The Project now focuses on building capacity of PNG Nationals to research and conserve marine mammals through a scholarship program, and additional marine mammal research in other parts of Papua New Guinea.

- Dr Tania Areori
- Veterinarian National Agriculture and Quarantine Inspection Authority – NAQIA
- Charles Sturt University, Australia
Areas of Interest/Projects
Pacific Paravet Training Project
Addressing the diseases of livestock that has long been recognised as both a major limitation to animal production and as a significant threat to public health in the Pacific Region. The Project aims to train paraverterinarian officers or animal health specialists to meet the veterinarian requirements of farmers in rural areas and to perform animal heal and hygiene duties.

- Kikori Turtle Rangers
- Ms Joyce Mavera - Team Leader
- Ms Kauro Einoko - Team Secretary
Areas of Interest/Projects
The Project works to capacity build young Kikori leaders who advocate for the declining pig-nosed turtle during its nesting season along the Kikori River, Papua New Guinea in 2021-2022. The Project is a project of the Young Pacific Leaders Small Grants Program and funded and supported by the USA Department of State US Embassy, New Zealand and Port Moresby and Cultural Vistas. Young people ensuring turtles in the future. More information can be found on the project’s facebook page: Kikori Turtle Rangers.