About Us


Welcome to Piku Biodiversity Network Inc.

The Piku Biodiversity Network Inc. (PBN) evolved from the Piku project – Kikori. The PBN registered as a national entity under the Associations Incorporation Act. In October 2017, ten years after its inception along the Kikori River, Gulf province, Papua New Guinea.
The Piku Project originated from the study of the Pig-nosed turtle, Carettochelys insculpta, which begin along the Kikori River in 1980. In 2007 it incorporated community education and begin steps to engage Kikori River communities in biodiversity conservation. This included the production of the children’s book Piggy’s Adventures on the Kikori River and other publications highlighting different environmental issues within the Kikori River Basin.

Introduction to the Piku Biodiversity Network

The Piku Biodiversity Network Incorporated (PBN) is a network of individuals and organizations with the goal of improving the conservation and management of the biodiversity of Papua New Guinea through community engagement in environmental education, community-led conservation and knowledge generation.

The organization that is the PBN exists to facilitate the activities of its membership towards the goal using these strategies.